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Streaming and Recorded Events

Broadway Virtual is in the process of creating all types of content applicable to streaming and the filming of theatrical events.  Check our Events Listing below and ask to join our mailing list to be kept up to date with all future updates.

Technology and Theatre Development

If you are an artist or not-for-profit theatre, please be in touch.  Part of our mission statement is to help YOU use the latest technologies in continuing to develop your work, and create content for not-for-profit theatres in order to stay in touch with their subscribers during these difficult times and into the future.




Decades of Informational Technology Experience

Broadway Virtual’s Leadership of Jim Kierstead and Heather Arnson combine to lead our diverse Bi-Coastal staff and clients through this new era of digital production by way of technical precision and creation and execution of creative elements. By integrating decades of informational technology experience with decades of theatrical production experience (resulting in a unique understanding both sides of this process), we bring a distinctive blend of digital know-how. This makes for an expeditious, rewarding, and collaborative experience with the Senior Leadership of the organizations we work with; be that one person or a collective of people. 

Qualified Leadership

Executive Director Jim Kierstead leads the execution of all logistics concerning the streaming platform, labor, and equipment procurement. Broadway Virtual is a content creator that has established partnerships with the leading digital platforms and closed caption services in the business. We are committed to diversity and inclusion. Our team reflects this and so does the lens in which we work to create events. We will always raise this imperative during creative discussions in order to keep it in the forefront of everyone's mind while in the planning process, encouraging our clients to think globally about the people in and out of the room. 


Creative Director Heather Arnson leads the creative vision of each process through capture sessions and hands-on, collaborative editing engagement; culminating in the creation and execution of full event. In addition to Heather’s directorial work, her focused experience developing concepts from their infancy to fully produced works, script specific development, serving as editor and co-writer for plays, musicals, and galas all give her insight here for on-her feet suggestions and edits while working in collaboration with both clients and her team. Her intuition, compassion, and love of artists and those who uplift them combine to bring out the best of live energy in a captured moment.

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